How can you get great seller ratings on Amazon?

If you want to become a great seller on Amazon, it is not enough to upload products to this eCommerce. You need to make good decisions and continuously monitor your performance and your evaluations.

On the Amazon Account Status page, you'll access the information you need to evaluate your performance and understand how customers see you. Information is power: do not underestimate the importance of this data.

Amazon Feedback Tracking

Undoubtedly, having good ratings from your buyers is essential to selling more and improving your performance on Amazon.

Basically, every buyer can rate their experience with the seller—in this case, you—to inform and help undecided future users. Account, to do so, within 90 calendar days of time.

Imagine this situation: you have a person who is extremely interested in buying a product from you and before making the purchase it occurs to him to take a look at the opinions of other customers. If they are favorable, the sale is done. But what if not? You are in serious danger of losing the sale.

In general, the criteria that your buyers evaluate are of four types:

  • Packaging and shipping.
  • Attention and resolution of incidents.
  • Delivery times.
  • Willingness to repeat the purchase.

In addition, Amazon provides its customers with different performance ratios on its sellers. Thus, the on-time shipment ratio is contrasted with the late shipment ratio and serves to establish precise expectations regarding the reliability of your deliveries.

Additionally, the response time is calculated as an average of the response times accumulated by that seller with respect to its buyers.

Performance on Amazon

This global e-commerce giant seeks to ensure its users an impeccable shopping experience. And, for this, it applies strict quality criteria to each seller.

If you are one of them, you should always keep them in mind, check your assessments in this regard, and guarantee, in each transaction, excellent customer service.

Seller Performance Ratios

Your Amazon selling privileges are contingent on meeting these performance targets:

  • Less than 1% of defective orders.
  • Less than 2.5% pre-shipment cancellations.
  • Less than 4% late shipments.
  • Report valid tracking numbers in 95% of shipments.

Amazon only owes itself. That is why it permanently controls the data reported by its vendors and always acts accordingly if its figures do not meet the required standards.

When the data does not fit, it sends a notification that encourages improvement in the process, normally within 2 months. If the situation persists, Amazon selling privileges are revoked.

It's possible to get them back again later, but it's more complicated than getting things right the first time or making corrections when things aren't working out to those standards.

Tips to increase ratings

Analogous to the Commandments of God's Law of Christianity, the Commandments of the effective Amazon Seller are summarized in two: "You shall love the customer above all things and Amazon as yourself." Keep them present at all times.

When you consider how to sell on Amazon with full guarantees, it is essential that you monitor your performance on a regular basis. Do it from the Status Panel of the account that you have as a seller. And above all, act accordingly.

What to do to sell better on Amazon

There are many practical tips that you should apply, but these are among the main ones.

  1. Be very careful with stock breaks. Avoid advertising out-of-stock products and remove out-of-stock items from your catalog.
  2. Update your inventories very regularly and always give priority to Amazon orders: process them first. It is also better that you have an exclusive inventory for this online store.
  3. Synchronize and exhaustively follow the availability and delivery times of your shipments.
  4. If you are having problems with delayed deliveries, take action as soon as possible. Notify your buyer of what happened as soon as possible and withdraw offers that repeatedly give you this type of problem.
  5. Turn on automatic expedited shipping for any back orders that are still in process.
  6. Include attractive photos of the product, but also realistic and recognizable. Show your details on them and adapt to current legislation.
  7. The issue of sizes is also essential. The best thing is that you offer personalized tables with all the information that the user may require to decide.
  8. Respond to negative reviews. Whether they are supported or not, your client deserves your attention. Others will find it positive.
  9. Write precise texts, realistic descriptions, and consistent with the real quality of the products. Create positive expectations, but always real ones.
  10. Serve your customers, always, in less than 24 hours.

This decalogue of resources will help you to be a good seller on Amazon. You will get more satisfied customers, as well as more and better ratings from them.

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