8 tips to sell more and better on Amazon in 2023

Do you want to know how to sell more on Amazon? We present 8 tips that will help boost your sales on Amazon by improving the positioning of your products and your conversions.

If you are thinking of selling online, chances are you have already accessed Amazon to see where to start. Not surprisingly, it is the largest marketplace in the world, with more than 1.5 million active sellers and more than 300 million users who buy on the platform globally.

For this reason, Amazon is an added value for your business. After all, selling on this platform is cheap, easy, and, above all, fast, especially if you compare it with selling through your own online store. However, doing it successfully requires effort, perseverance, and being up-to-date with all market trends. Next, we give you 9 tips to sell more and better on Amazon.

1. Check out Amazon's best-selling items and categories

Amazon has a section where you can visit the best-selling products for each category. In fact, the platform itself uses a label known as "Best Seller", an icon that appears on the product detail page.

This label will help you detect what the preferences of consumers are, their tastes, and what products are the ones that have a certain market for Amazon Sellers. However, you should be aware that it is much easier to achieve best-seller status in a very niche-specific subcategory like “Dog Leashes” than it is in a larger subcategory like “Harnesses & Leads” or the even more niche category. big «Dogs».

You should keep in mind that the orange "Best Seller" tag on Amazon highlights your product against the rest, which increases the CTR and the number of visits to the product. In fact, roughly 4-12% of Amazon users frequently visit best-selling product pages for the categories they shop at.

2. Sell more on Amazon with Amazon Advertising

Amazon Advertising is Amazon's pay-per-click advertising solution. Its operation is similar to that of other platforms such as Google Ads or Microsoft Advertising, but it is focused solely on the sponsorship of products on Amazon.

Within Amazon Advertising, there are three different types of services that will help drive your sales:

Sponsored Products Ads: It is the most used Amazon Advertising service. Through Sponsored Products Ads you will be able to place ads in different locations within your product page, as well as use different options to segment the audience, pay only when users click on them and use sales and performance metrics with the objective of measuring the direct impact of ads on your business.

Sponsored Brands Ads, a service to enhance knowledge and awareness of your brand. On this platform, you will be able to decide how to present your brand to your customers with personalized headlines, and buyers will be able to access your store page or a personalized landing page.

Sponsored Display Ads, to create self-service display campaigns to reach relevant shoppers on Amazon and other sales channels. According to data from Amazon itself, advertisers who use this service observe that, on average, 82% of their sales come from new customers.

3. Get more reviews on your Amazon product pages

The basis of any commercial relationship is trust, especially on the Internet, where there is no physical contact between the brand and the client. For this reason, consumers bet on those companies with which they can establish this relationship of trust, and one of the elements with which it is most quickly promoted is through product reviews.

You only have to think of yourself as a buyer; If you had to choose between a product with no reviews and another with 500 reviews, which one would you choose? Well, without a doubt, the one with the most opinions, especially if the assessment is positive. But, in addition, accumulating ratings on Amazon helps improve the positioning of your products within the platform.

Therefore, it is important that you get as many reviews as possible on your Amazon product pages, and that these are positive. Key to this is offering the best possible customer experience, asking your own customers for reviews of products you've sold, or joining Amazon Vine, a program that invites Amazon's most trusted reviewers to post their reviews of new items and pre-launch, in order to help customers inform themselves when making purchase decisions.

4. Optimize your 'Product Listing' as an Amazon seller

As a seller on Amazon, you will be able to classify your products according to the categories you want to display on the platform. This product listing should include all the information about the products you are selling, such as their title, images, description, and price.

Any element, however irrelevant it may seem, must be studied properly to position your product on Amazon. And not only that. You should never assume that your product listing is finished; It is a task that you should review continuously to improve and optimize your commercial offer according to different factors, such as market trends, your needs as a seller, or even the competition.

5. Improve your position in the Amazon Best Sellers Rank

The Amazon Best Sellers Rank (Amazon BSR) is a classification that Amazon prepares for all categories of a product. It shows the position of the product among the best sellers for the main category to which it belongs and for the subcategory in which it is classified.

The Amazon BSR is calculated by taking into account the total orders sold for each product compared to other products in the same category over a period of time. Thus, the best-selling product in a category will have number 1 in that category, the second will have number 2, and so on.

The importance of this indicator is obvious: the higher the Amazon BSR, the less chance of a sale there will be because the product will appear in a lower position. On the contrary, the lower it is, the probability of conversion will increase progressively.

In this case, the question is: how to improve the position in the ranking? Well, although Amazon has never made public the criteria it uses to determine the position of a product in the ranking, your goal should be to sell more and better on Amazon than the competition. In reality, it is a feedback process, since the better your position in the ranking, the better positioning your product will have, which will increase sales, causing your product to rise again in the ranking, and so on.

6. Become an Amazon FBA seller to increase your sales

Amazon FBA is the acronym for Fulfillment By Amazon. It is a program through which Amazon allows third-party products to be sold through its platform, also performing other essential functions for electronic commerce, such as logistics, administration, or distribution of the product among buyers.

The program has many advantages for sellers that allow you to increase your sales. In fact, simply by selling your product through Amazon FBA, your products will be listed as 'prime', with no shipping costs, with fast shipping, and appearing prominently on Amazon. The result: a more attractive product in the eyes of the consumer and, consequently, an incentive to increase your sales quickly and easily.

7. Avoid running out of inventory on Amazon

Whether you sell on Amazon or on another platform physically, you should avoid running out of inventory as much as possible. And there are few things more frustrating for a consumer than finding that the product they are looking for is not available, and this can mean huge losses for your company.

Not having a product in stock on Amazon means losing your position in the search ranking, losing sales opportunities, and giving them up to the competition. Amazon is known for offering great customer service so it "penalizes" sellers when they run out of stock of their products.

For some vendors, it may be difficult to replenish inventory before their current stock runs out since to acquire more inventory they must make advance payments, putting the internal treasury of their company at risk. There are financial solutions for inventory financing that can help you improve your company's treasury and prevent you from running out of inventory.

8. Think big! Sell internationally with Amazon Global Selling

One of the most positive aspects that eCommerce allows, and that undoubtedly makes the difference compared to physical commerce, is that any company or store can sell anywhere in the world, regardless of its size and location. This possibility is easier when we talk about Amazon, the largest marketplace, with a presence in most countries.

In fact, Amazon has a program, Amazon Global Selling, that allows you to reach more than 200 million Prime members and hundreds of millions of active customer accounts around the world. Plus, you'll be able to take advantage of Amazon's global scale thanks to Amazon's next-generation international logistics capabilities.

This an excellent opportunity to expand your business and reach markets beyond the borders of your country.

Bonus Tip: Stay tuned for the latest Amazon trends

The Amazon platform is constantly changing and evolving. Its objective is to offer more and better services to its clients, thus setting market trends.

For this reason, all sellers must know what is new on the platform to adapt to these changes if they do not want to be left behind and increase their sales.

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